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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2016

5 Exercises to Increase Muscle Stimulation and Growth

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Building muscle is all about stimulating the most muscle mass in the gym to create the biggest muscle gains in size and strength. Choosing the best exercises can be very hard with the vast array of different ones out there. This article will show you the all round best muscle building exercises to increase muscle stimulation and growth. Squats The squats are one of the biggest compound exercises you can do. They are an all round workout for every muscle group in your legs, from you calves all the way up to your glutes. They even workout you abs, back and shoulders - making squats a big full body muscle stimulant. Perform these with a barbell low on your upper back, hole it with a thumbless grip. Keep your core and back tight. Lower the weight to just below waist level. Keep you back straight the whole time. Deadlifts The deadlifts are an even harder and more intense exercise than the squats. Lifting a dead heavy weight from the ground to a full standing position stimulates a massive ...

What to Eat For Muscle Growth

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If you're learning how to bodybuild and your main aim is to build massive amounts of muscle, I am sure you want to know what to eat for muscle growth, right? The thing with bodybuilding nutrition, is there is so much information given out by so many different people; And all these people have different view points, so you can get caught up not knowing what to do, and because of that, not building any muscle. So I am going to give it to you simple. What to Eat For Muscle Growth When you workout at the gym, lifting weights, you are tearing up your muscle fibers, this is where 25% of the muscle building process happens. The other 75% of the muscle building process relies on your diet and nutrition. So what should I eat for muscle growth? There are several food categories that you need to focus on: Protein Complex Carbohydrates Healthy Fats & Oils Simple Sugars Everybody knows when you're looking to build muscle you need to consume healthy quantities of protein. So what sorts...

Killer Back and Biceps Workout

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Most basic workout routines are broken into groups. Back and Biceps, Chest and Triceps, Shoulders and Legs and so on. The reasoning for this is fairly simple. Ideally you want to train complimentary muscle groups in the same workout. When working out the Back you're utilizing your Biceps as the secondary muscle group. Your biceps need to do some work to complete the exercises you're focusing on for your Back workout. Your Back muscles are the primary muscle group, and biceps would be secondary. The same applies for Chest and Triceps. To get the most from your workouts ideally you want to incorporate different exercises. This not only targets the muscle differently, but it helps to make your workouts more interesting. Here's a great Back and Biceps workout you can do that will leave you walking out of the gym feeling pumped! Start with a Seated Row. Using the cable machines usually located in your free weight room is great. Be sure to keep your abs tight, grab the bar or h...

How to Add 10lbs of Muscle to Your Body in a Month

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To add up to 10lbs of muscle or more to your body in a month there are a few things you must do. It is possible to add this much in a month if you follow some proven and effective methods. You must stick with these and diregard all things that don't work to your advantage. Follow the guidelines in this article to pack on 10lbs or more of muscle in as little as a month. Increase your daily calories by 1000 Based on what you are eating now, whether it be a maintanence level of daily calories or a bulk up amount, increase it by 1000. This will give you an extra 7000 calories a week, creating the 2lbs surplus per week. To get this many calories on top of your current diet simple choose one of the methods below:  Drink a gallon of whole milk a day. Drink milk between meals, with meals and after your workout. Drink protein shakes packed with extra calories. Create a protein shake of 1k+ calories by adding in healthy fats and fruits - avocados, olive oil, almoind butter, cream, coconut c...

Reasons Why Your Workout Results Are Not As Impressive

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When you set weight objectives, you want to give your best efforts to achieve the kind of results that you yearn for. Apart from making all the right food choices, you also should combine with good workouts and healthy lifestyle changes to see impressive results. But this is not always the case for most people. There are people who give workout sessions their best and yet the results they yearn for do not seem to be forthcoming. If you are among those people who keep working out but are not happy with the results, then it could be that you are making common mistakes. There are so many reasons as to why your desired results are dragging on and on. What you need to do is find out what you are doing wrong and putting in measures to correct them so you get the optimum results that you deserve from your workouts. 1. Your workouts are not properly fueled  - What you eat before a workout really matters and should always matter. Whereas it is not advisable to overeat or indulge in a meal...

The Best Back Exercises For Mass

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Do you dream of adding some serious mass to your back, but are unsure of the best route to achieve this goal? Well look no further, as we provide you with some of the most effective exercises that should be a staple of any truly great back workout. A big back is something to be proud of, so here are our chosen five back exercises to help you along the way. #1 The Deadlift If you're serious about your training program, and your goal is to gain impressive amounts of muscle, you'll definitely want to include deadlifts in your routine. Although this exercise can be daunting to first timers, if performed correctly, the deadlift is one of the greatest back exercises available.   Not only does the deadlift target the back muscles, it also directly trains the lower body too. In fact, this wonderful exercise works the hamstrings, thighs, core, lower back, upper back and traps, so you'll be utilising a huge amount of muscle stimulation in one simple exercise! #2 Bent Over Barbell Ro...

Best Muscle Building Supplement - Know it First, Buy it After

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The best muscle building supplement is an elementary protein that generally gives to your body, both strength and energy throughout a daily workout. Therefore, you will witness a boost in muscle mass and in the end your body will be sculptured in the desired shape. Deciding on the best muscles building supplement is essential, since you have so many varieties to choose from. Thus, you may want the protein powder to actually build muscles mass, or creatine for better contraction of your muscles and high intensity of your exercises. There are many more other types of supplements and you have to make sure that you make the right choice. Take some time to find out more about the best proteins, ask about advantages and disadvantages, know the product first and then buy it. Be smart and don't put them all together. Make sure to take the right proteins in the correct dosage because you never know the side effects of mixing them. The best muscles building supplement is the one that ensur...

Why Leg Workouts Are So Important For Completing Your Muscle Building Workout Plan

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When one decides to get into workout routines whether to build muscles or reduce fat or may be for both, most people forget to include leg workouts in their routine. This is so common that you may not feel any odd about it. Now give a deep thought for a moment. If you neglect your legs, you are actually neglecting half of your body. You are keeping half of your body outside your exercise program. There are several reasons why people do like this. The most common of them are: - They don't like leg workouts. - They don't have adequate knowledge how to do leg workouts. - They do not want bigger legs. - They are uncomfortable with leg workout. In this article I am trying to tell you that leg workouts have much more in it than just getting bigger, more toned or stronger legs. If you can see the benefits of leg workouts and you will find all your reasons for not including leg exercises are trivial. Testosterone is a primary stimulator of muscle building. Imagine what happens when y...

3 Exercises to Build Powerful Shoulders

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We all know the impact of well developed pair of shoulders. They stand out completing one's figure. Sometimes you see some bulky guy but there is something missing in him. Yes, you are right - his shoulders. Building shoulders is tougher than it looks and sounds. Although it seem little muscle compared to most others it is very important and that is not only for the outstanding look. Your shoulders support every movement you make with your arms and hands - they allow you to lift heavier objects. That gives you even more efficient training for the other muscles as well. Although the shoulders may look small, they got 3 different places you must workout in order to develop them. If you work on all three - middle, rear and frontal parts, you will have one complete pair of well developed shoulders. Don't be like the guys which just ignore the rear or some other part of the shoulder. Here are three of the simplest but most efficient exercises to build muscle and power in the shoul...

Three Reasons You Aren't Building Bigger Biceps

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Large, bulging biceps is a goal nearly all weight lifters aim for but most fail to reach their full potential. Below are three common reasons why you aren't building bigger biceps. Not Lifting Heavy Enough Most beginning weight lifters understand the concept of basic movements, and why certain exercises grow muscle. A common oversight is how the muscles respond to different weights for the same exercise. Using light weights with high repetitions will increase your body's endurance but is unlikely to increase muscle mass. If you're exercising diligently but you aren't building bigger biceps, you may not be lifting weights heavy enough to stimulate muscle growth. A higher weight with lower repetitions is recommended to increase muscle mass and density. You've Reached A Plateau Your body is designed to adapt to your behavior. It's the reason you add muscle mass, and the reason you stop growing. After several weeks of a specific routine your body will add muscle t...

4 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Chest Workout And Build A Bigger Chest

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Let's face it: A vast number of guys are crazy about their chest size. After all, why shouldn't they? A massive chest looks awesome and stands for strength and your ability to push stuff around explosively. That being said, most of those guys end up training dead wrong, keeping themselves from gaining a bigger chest. Here are 4 of the most common mistakes you will see people do at the gym and how you can avoid them. 1. DON'T NEGLECT SQUEEZING The biggest mistake people make in their chest workout is that they only do pushing exercises, or the volume of pressing work outweighs the amount of squeezing exercises tremendously. Let's just take a quick look the bench press. It is one of the most known exercises out there, even someone with no idea of training will know it. If you want to build a massive, powerful chest you have to do squeezing exercises! This of vast importance, because for some people the ideal ratio is, believe it or not, 50/50. 2. AVOID PRE-EXHAUSTION Sh...

4 Easy Steps To Building Bigger Muscles

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There are so many theories about gaining muscles that it really bugs me. This is because some of these theories are so fake that they make many bodybuilder not to succeed in there bodybuilding career. If you are tired with the way you look in the mirror then you need to continue reading this article because you will discover how to increase your muscle mass. The reason why you are not achieving your muscle building progress could be because you are not maximizing fully the four essential steps for building body muscles. The only way you can be able to rectify your problem is to follow this four rules by the book. The four steps include; 1. You need to start lifting weights three to four times a week If you do not lift weights at least three to four times a week you will not be able to stress your muscles to the point where they start growing. You should however make sure that after stressing your muscles to there limit you give them enough time to rest and enough nutrition so that th...